Good RSS Feeds and How to Read Them

The most popular RSS feeds are generally technology related. In fact, of the ten most subscribed RSS feeds, only three of them do not directly relate to technology news. Instead, of these three good RSS feeds there is a recipe feed, and two miscellaneous trivia and information feeds. There are, of course, good RSS feeds for every interest, it is just a matter of finding them. If there is a blog you like, they likely have a way for you to subscribe to their posts. Nearly every news organization has a host of good RSS feeds that will help you keep up with the latest stories. Radio shows and podcasts also have an RSS feed that let you know when the show is mentioned, or is updated.

Now that you have acquired a nice collection of good RSS feeds, the question of how to use them remains. There are many online readers that will collect your good RSS feeds and let you scroll through them, eliminating the need to go from site to site, reading the updates. Until recently, one of the best feed readers was the Google news reader, Google Reader. However, the Google RSS reader was recently discontinued by Google. If you previously used Google for your feed reading, you will likely be looking for a new reader. In this case, or if you are new to the RSS reader world, there are a few things to look for.

If you are used to Google Reader, you may want to continue using a web based reader for your good RSS feeds, otherwise you can get desktop based apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux. There are also readers that have cross platform portability. This means that if you populate your reader with good RSS feeds on your desktop, you can install an app on your iOS or Android device that will allow you to read your feed updates from your mobile device.